![]() ![]() Chapter 1 - Aries: Jumping into the Fray |
Living Astrology - Taking Off 'Flight attendants, please take your seats and prepare for takeoff.' Even the most seasoned traveler feels a shot of adrenaline upon hearing these words, indicating that the plane is on the runway and preparing to go airborne. The sound of the engines engaging, the short rush of acceleration, and moments later you are in the air, watching the buildings and cars get smaller and soon, piercing cotton puff clouds that hang in the air like an elementary school science project. Soon after, the trajectory smoothes out and you are flying high above the clouds, hardly a bump or ripple to indicate that you are moving at 600 mph. For many people, this experience has become as routine as riding in a car. Actually, riding in a car is no small thing, especially when you first begin to understand what is really happening. Since most of us ride in cars from infancy, we barely understand that we are even moving at first. It is only later, as we experience riding a scooter, a skateboard, or a bicycle that we begin to understand just how precarious, powerful and at best exciting is the feeling of being in motion. At one point in my life, I understood that I would someday drive: at that point cars went from being an involuntary box moving me and my family from one place to another to the ultimate 'moving machine' that I would someday be able to direct and control. Like sitting in a fast moving car, we inhabit the Earth as it spins on its axis at close to 1000 miles per hour at the equator, a mad dance of speed that, amazingly, would be unnoticeable to us were it not for the Sun and stars moving through the sky. Everyday life can also have this quality of hurtling along at high speed. As we grow in awareness, we begin to get a sense that we can have some effect on what happens, on how our decisions turn out. Like learning how to drive, we learn to make continual adjustments to respond to the actions of others, to be willing to learn from the results of our decisions. As we grow in maturity, we learn how to maintain an attitude of patient awareness and responsiveness that gives us the best chance of arriving safely at our destination. While Earth life does have moments of peaceful contemplation, these usually come after some process of learning mastery over motion or interaction, of resolving challenges and difficulties. Astrology is one of the technologies that Humans have developed over the last 3+ millennia for dealing with the sometimes dizzying rush of influences and choices that are part of Earth existence. While human life can appear to have a certain kind of 'stillness', like being inside a car or being on the Earth's surface, to the body, mind, and emotions of an individual person, the everyday rush of sensory experience, of feelings, and of social information can be overwhelming, until we learn some skills to be able to respond appropriately. This process of learning to navigate experience, to find meaning in the rush of events, and ultimately to integrate patterns of experiences into a sense of overall Purpose is the function of the part of us that 'drives' and directs us through life, what religious traditions have called the Human Soul. Forgive the generous use of driving metaphors: my wife Aliah taught comedy defensive driving for a number of years and we often use driving as a metaphor for life and relationship. Part of this is because I had a very positive experience of being a student in traffic school. It was an opportunity to be reminded of the complexity and importance of something I was doing more or less unconsciously on an everyday basis, reawakening some of the initial awareness I had when I first learned to drive. Astrology can catalyze a similar kind of reawakening: by becoming aware of the metaphysics of some of the interactions we carry on everyday, we can improve our ability to be successful in those interactions, to get what we want and need. Life traffic school, everyone learning Astrology is already interacting, already experiencing, already making sense of their lives. Also like traffic school, it is a way of helping to 'get a handle' on interactions that, while they may seem routine at moments, can massively effect our lives in an instant if we are not aware of their importance in the bigger picture. Back to the Soul. I use this term cautiously (my road sign) and hope you will meet me in the middle by being willing to understand what I mean without conflicting with whatever you may have associated with this word. On the one hand, there are a wealth of stories, mostly religious in origin, whose purpose is to help individuals to assist the Soul in its function: to find meaning and purpose in everyday life. My problem with these stories is they tend to be somewhat 'canned' or prefabricated, 'one size fits all'. Nonetheless, I have at times made use of some of these stories in my own life. And for those who also have benefited from the direction of religious insight, I want to make it clear that Astrology is not meant to substitute for religion anymore than science is (though science has done just that in many people's lives). Rather it is meant to offer some additional information. To use the driving metaphor, your experiences of and beliefs about the Universe are equivalent to where you are going and why; Astrology is like a map to help you get there more reliably and quickly. While it may have been more closely associated with 'New Age' or other belief systems, the foundations of Astrology can be applied to any spiritual practice and are no more in conflict with religion than the belief that the Earth is round or that the Sun is at the center of our Solar System. In contrast are those who cringe at the word 'soul' because they are embattled by the historical game of 'King of the Hill' played by institutional religions. These individuals prefer to either come up with their own version of what motivates human beings or remain content with none at all. If this describes your views, I ask you to please put aside the history of this word for the moment and recognize my underlying meaning for 'soul”: something in Human Beings that keeps track of what each of us cares about beyond the rush of everyday experience and instinctual reaction. If you are scientific rationalist, you might see the human mind as performing this function. If you are a pantheist or pagan, you might see the human body and emotions as the essential element. Astrology is indifferent to the explanation: it just recognizes that people find meaning in their lives and that symbols are the language of meaning. Astrology is not the only source of these symbols, but it is one of humanity's most ancient and time-tested techniques for symbolizing and getting a perspective on human life1. Just as each of us moves without the aid of physics, each of us is already 'living' and moving within the field of experience that Astrology symbolizes. Just as physics might help us design a safer car, Astrology can help you find meaning in your life. AstroCosmos: 12 stages of the journey, 12 chapters. Aries: Birth: the rush of experience, instinctual action reveals purpose. The man finds himself as an infant in the jungle, no time to think, just act & survive. The urge to live motivates action. The Courage to Be “Astro” From the beginning of time, man has watched the stars, the ultimate symbol of the vastness and majesty of the Universe, so grand that in many cultures, the sky was pictured as the abode of the Gods themselves. Clock and calendar time are the simplest form of Astrology, based on the relationship of the earth and moon to the Sun. The ancient art of Astrology recognizes a connection between human events and the cycles of the other planets in our solar system. While Western science does not yet have an explanation for the forces at work, there are countless striking 'synchronicities' between planetary positions and human events. Astrology offers us a glimpse into a part of the 'implicate order' behind human life. “Cosmos”: while this Greek word is often used as a synonym for 'Universe', it has a different shade of meaning, literally 'beauty and order'. Cosmos implies participation in creation and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all parts of the Universe. In ancient thought, the Earth itself and individual Human Beings were seen as a 'microcosm' ('tiny Universe') that contains and reflects the 'macrocosm' or Universe as a whole. The word Cosmology reflects both of these perspectives, referring to the scientific enquiry into the origins of the physical Universe as well as religious/cultural views of the Creation. As the root of the word 'cosmetics', Cosmos reminds us that as we connect with the beauty in creation, we find beauty within ourselves. AstroCosmos: Your Individual Universe of Meaning Each person is a veritable 'universe' of their own, with a unique set of energies and methods of understanding. By connecting with the underlying fabric of events and interactions, Astrology helps us to tune in to the intelligence of the Universe: not just in general, but in particular, a personal message for each of us in a language tailored to our way of being. While I have learned many other methods for attuning to my inner source of guidance, Astrology is one of the best ways I have found for stepping back from my life and myself and assessing what I am experiencing from a macrocosmic perspective. Astrology and the Evolution of Culture The products of culture, from books to works of art, are collective forms of expression, whether they are made up of personal experiences, interpersonal interactions, or abstract symbols. As personal as the experience of culture may seem to the person receiving it, cultural products (like this book) must undergo a process of selection, refinement, and synthesis of their subject matter in order to make them accessible to a wider audience over a longer period of time. When you are reading, listening to music, or watching television, you are interacting with collective symbols that form the context for your personal experience of the world. The recent trend towards 'reality' television shows reflects the public's interest in gaining insight into what has most often been behind the scenes: the sometimes ugly process of 'natural selection' that goes into the making cultural products. The collective wants to understand itself. This trend also reflects another key point of evolution in our current culture: technologies such as the Internet and cable/satellite television are allowing a much greater level of diversity than was previously possible. Shelf space or picture catalogs required companies to limit the number of products they carried; Internet businesses can keep 'virtual inventory' and provide access to a nearly unlimited number of products. In addition, the Internet's ability to create information networks has allowed new points of view to be expressed and enabled 'information seekers' to go further than previously dreamed possible. The 'Big Three' network television stations of the 20th century have bloomed into hundreds of channels and video on demand. While these technologies are new and have not been fully utilized (and the networks will continue to fight for dominance), the face of culture will never be the same. If we use it wisely, this technology can expand our choices and enable a new level of diversity in all aspects of our lives. This shift in culture also affects our social institutions. Different skills are needed to be successful. Appreciation for diversity has evolved from a liberal ideal into a social reality. Thus there is a growing need for social systems that recognize and develop individual diversity. Humanistic Astrology is one such technology, unique in its recognition and appreciation of individual differences in both style (how I do things) and substance (what I do). Astrology has great promise for improving the quality of life for both individuals and groups through improving understanding and communication. While subject to the same challenges as any cultural system - someone will get left out, some quality will be misunderstood - it starts out with a significantly higher standard of accuracy, of subtlety, and of sensitivity than most current systems of human psychology and development. It can help serve as a bridge from our current hierarchical and competitive mindset to a more fluid, more inclusive one. However, in order for Astrology to fulfill its promise of social and spiritual evolution, it must also undergo the evolution that is taking place in all aspects of culture. For me, this means Astrology must become more Universal, not just by improving its accuracy and objectivity, but by widening its field of vision and renewing its premises. As scary as it may seem to some Astrologers, for me this means realizing that the essential archetypes of Astrology are not just independent of individuals, but are independent of Astrologers. Humanistic Astrology Actually, Astrology has been undergone a major evolution in the last century. Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) was one of the 'founding fathers' of new psychologically and spiritually based Astrological paradigm known as Humanistic Astrology. Part of what made Rudhyar so persuasive is that he understood Astrology's potential while keeping it in the perspective of other branches of human knowledge. To a perfected intuitive man, no particular system of symbolism is necessary; and astrology is of no special value. But he cannot communicate his intuitions to others. Communication necessitates a system of interpretation; a set of symbols which can serve as spatial-mental bridges between the wholeness of the moment and all perceivers. It thus needs a language. Astrology is such a language, just as the series of hexagrams of the Chinese I-Ching is such a language. And it is in the formation of and use of such a language that what we called holistic logic and the principle of functional coherency come into operation.. 2 Rudhyar's work laid the groundwork for a whole generation of Astrologers that saw the purpose of Astrology as the improvement of human life rather than the prediction of events. While re-reading some of my favorite Astrology books a few years back, it struck me that most individuals, particularly those seeking counseling, would be impressed by the spiritual intensity, intellectual depth, and clarity of these authors. The accuracy of information they gave was less important than the fact that their study of Astrology had inspired them to an extraordinary level of insight about human life and experience. The inspiring vision presented in these books of Astrology's implications for individuals and society was more persuasive than the sections about specific application3. I found myself re-reading the theoretical and visionary sections and skipping the particulars. How could I address this issue? My answer to this internal question came during an introductory lecture when I was explaining my approach to Astrology. I told the audience that I preferred to learn about the archetypes from the people who lived with them before I tried to explain them. Though I had found it very interesting and enlightening to develop abstractions that could help me to understand the other 110 sign placements (other than my own 10) and up to 270 possible major aspects, I found it more interesting to find out how real-life individuals had applied these archetypes to their real-life situations. Obviously any good Astrologer has to combine both of these approaches, receptive and active. Yet this insight went further for me: it's not just that individuals represent a particular application of the archetypes, but that each person has their own unique form of Astrology: different issues, different ways of understanding, and different purposes for using it. I realized consciously what I had practiced for many years: that I preferred to help each individual to gain awareness of their own Astrological Cosmos rather than impress them with mine; actually, to share both of ours with each other in an act of 'communion', the root of 'communication'. Thus one of my own most powerful 'existential proofs' is when the person I am communicating with explains their approach to life, revealing a unique and original way of applying Astrology. Planetary Sojourns: the Edgar Cayce Readings While Astrology is an 'existential fact' to those who study its application in their own lives, the mechanics of Astrological forces are not yet understood by conventional science. Thus it is particularly helpful to find alternative sources of information to help us understand the nature of how these forces work. The life readings of Edgar Cayce are one of my favorite sources for this information4. Cayce (1877-1945) was known as the "sleeping prophet" because his readings were done in a deep trance state. He was perhaps the best documented and most accurate psychic in recorded history, with a library of over 14,000 stenographic transcriptions of individual readings available to the public (www.edgarcayce.org). Cayce was judged by a New York City court to have legitimate psychic abilities and had articles written about his abilities in national newspapers. His readings were done with nothing more than the person's name and address on a piece of paper, yet he would tell people in detail about their physical health, narrate relevant experiences personal to them and in a few cases even solve crimes through leading police to evidence. When Cayce first went public with his gift, much of the focus was on proving and at times exploiting his abilities: glorified parlor tricks, oil exploration, and stock market information. Yet as time went on, his work focused more and more on individuals' health and growth, at first through physical remedies and then through information about their 'soul history': past lives and Astrological sojourns. According to Cayce's channeled information, our souls 'sojourn' on other planets in between lifetimes. He compared these experiences to attending a University: an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a determined outcome. These experiences effect what Cayce calls our 'individuality', mental abilities that are distinct from our environment and experiences. In other words, our planetary experiences give us the capacity to think in a particular way that is distinct from hereditary or environment influences: with optimism and generosity (Jupiter), with love and kindness (Venus), or with intelligence (Mercury), for example. 'Personality', on the other hand, is more related to emotions and 'gut feelings' and is primarily an effect of past Earth incarnations. Cayce's information about metaphysical forces was very challenging to scientific, institutional religious and even the traditional Astrological mindset. In contrast, his spiritual perspective was very grounded and humble. His channeled readings repeatedly counseled that knowledge about past lives and the universe is only useful if it helps us to be better people. He emphasized humanity's birthright of free will as the most essential factor in soul growth, far outweighing any astrological or past life influences. He portrayed the soul as that eternal aspect of a human being whose birthright is to become a co-creator with God, each of us with a unique set of challenges, a unique path of return, and a unique gift to share with humanity. The soul's progress or decline in a given lifetime is a result of 'what the individual does about what they hold as their ideal', thus the importance of 'setting ourselves aright' by becoming clear on our most essential ideals, for example, 'inspiring others to be creative' or 'staying connected to God' as opposed to worldly goals like 'becoming a famous artist' or 'becoming wealthy or successful'. In keeping with this emphasis, AstroCosmology is intended as a tool for attuning to and strengthening our ideals and helping us to choose wisely about when, where and how to apply them in our lives. While each of us may have a general sense of our ideals that we express at peak moments of insight and enthusiasm, it is essential that we invest energy in clarifying and refining them so they will be accessible to us when we need them the most, in moments of conflict or confusion. As we mature, it is beneficial to update and upgrade our ideals to reflect our growth in consciousness. Our minds are the intermediary between our physical circumstances and the search for meaning that characterizes our soul. In order to grow spiritually, we must consciously choose to focus our attention on our ideals or else they become more distant and difficult to apply, like our bodies without regular exercise5. Essence to Form The Edgar Cayce readings emphasize the progression from ideals (soul) to understanding (mind as the builder) to actions and results (body). When we seek to make lasting change in our lives, we must address all of these levels of experience.
Ancient psychology saw human beings and the cosmos as intimately connected: 'As above, so below'. In order to express this interwoven tapestry of experience, the ancients used the physical elements fire, earth, air and water to describe the changing qualities of nature as it progressed through the seasonal round, pictured in the sky as the signs of the zodiac. These symbols were refined and evolved over time, each becoming a repository for distinct aspects of human experience, what Jung called 'archetypes'6. The essence of these Astrological archetypes is the correlation of human experience with Universal cycles, a progression of experience through distinct phases that proceeds from birth to death, and over again. The Triad of Context: Personal, Interpersonal and Collective The 12 signs of the Zodiac represent a progression from initiation to resolution. In the case of a human being, this cycle represents the range of experience from personal to collective. The seasons when organic life is on the increase (spring - early summer) correspond to the emphasis on differentiation and individual growth. The season of the harvest (late summer and fall) corresponds to the process in which individuality is 'harvested' and 'distributed' in the context interpersonal relationships. As physical forms die, the seeds of the next year's growth are released, corresponding to the transpersonal emphasis on social participation and spiritual awareness7. Personal Signs External: learning to take care of myself, to interact
with my physical environment (i.e., walking, talking, eating) and to fulfill
my basic needs for sustenance and pleasure.
Interpersonal Signs
External: Learning to interact with other individuals,
to balance getting what I want with what they want, and to work together
to accomplish specific tasks and goals. Finding partners: learning to
share resources and balance giving and taking. Collective Signs ![]() External: Learning to participate in groups and in society
as a whole, both as a leader and a member. Contributing and sometimes
sacrificing personal and interpersonal achievements for the good of the
The Four Elements Fire: Fire inspires, motivates, gives the spark that gets us moving into action. When we have a creative impulse or vision, we are being 'ignited' by the fire element. When we are unable to find creative outlets, fire can take the form of anger and confrontation. In its physical form, fire is found in flames, electricity, fuels (fire and water or air). Competitive sports, martial arts or performance of any kind are good ways to connect with the fire element.
A person with a predominance of Astrological fire (Sun, Moon, Ascendant or other
planets in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) responds to excitement, challenge, growth,
visionary ideas and being in the spotlight. If their fire element is healthy
and well balanced, this individual would also be receptive to incorporating
the other elements: practical issues (earth), a wider perspective (air), and
emotional/spiritual implications (water). If their fire qualities are blocked
or frustrated, they will tend to be confrontational or play 'one-upmanship'
in order to show their strength. Earth: Earth requires us to stay grounded, to be practical and results oriented, to stay focused on the details, to build structure to support our impulses and ideas. Earth tells us, 'I'll believe it when I can hold it in my hand'. When frustrated, earth takes the form of resistance to input and the attempt to control circumstances with force. In its physical form, earth is related to mountains, rocks and soil: mountain climbing and gardening are a good way to connect with earth. ![]() A person with a predominance of Astrological earth (Sun, Moon, Ascendant or
other planets in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) responds to solidity, practicality,
consistency, things that they can touch and hold, structures and plans. If their
earth element is healthy and well balanced, this individual would also be receptive
to incorporating the other elements: inspiration and creativity (fire), a wider
perspective (air), and emotional/spiritual implications (water). If their earth
qualities are blocked or frustrated, they will tend to be skeptical or stubbornly
resistant to ideas or interactions in general. Air: Air opens up space for freedom and movement. Air is present when we are thinking or communicating in systems or languages, abstracting or comparing, connecting ideas or people. Air 'widens our horizons' or 'blows us away' with understanding and insight. When frustrated, air avoids dealing with reality by flying off into worlds of nonsense or fantasy. In its physical form, air is found in wind and sky (and birds, which can navigate these) and breath. ![]() A person with a predominance of Astrological air (Sun, Moon, Ascendant or other
planets in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius) responds to communication, clarity, intelligence,
adaptability, inventiveness. If their air element is healthy and well balanced,
this individual would also be receptive to incorporating the other elements:
inspiration and creativity (fire), practical issues (earth), and emotional/spiritual
implications (water). If their air qualities are blocked or frustrated, they
will tend to be argumentative or distracted. Water: Water is the element that nurtures all of life. Our bodies are 50-70% water. The health of our elemental water effects our emotions and our overall sense of well being. Water can bring tears of joy or sadness, nourishment or poison. When frustrated, water will create emotional and physical pressure until it is released, if not voluntarily through disease or emotional outbursts. In its physical form, water is found in streams, lakes and oceans, in food and drinks and in chemicals that act as containers for various forces. ![]() A person with a predominance of Astrological water (Sun, Moon, Ascendant or other planets in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) responds to sensitivity, sharing, compassion, nurturing, feeling, intensity. If their water element is healthy and well balanced, this individual would also be receptive to incorporating the other elements: inspiration and creativity (fire), practical issues (earth), and a wider perspective (air). If their water qualities are blocked or frustrated, they will tend to be moody, withdrawn or 'stewing' in their emotions.
Every sign is a unique combination of an element and a context Aries: (Fire Element in a Personal Context) Circumstances create the need for action, motion, energy, courage in facing the unknown, not 'without fear', but using fear as stimulation and direction. People with an emphasis in fire tend to be 'impatient for action'. Because Aries focuses this action towards personal issues, people with Aries emphasis are often perceived as 'inconsiderate' when they are seeking to be 'decisive' and 'courageous'. People who have difficulty taking action are either lacking or blocked in their fire element. Evolution occurs when the individual learns to be courageous in facing the responses of others to their actions, learning to apply their assertiveness to a higher goal such as Peace. ![]()
Getting in touch with Aries: Do something exciting and daring, preferably with
no one else around; dive off a rock face into glacier water; run a trail through
an ancient forest. Aries Hero: I courageously face whatever I encounter with spontaneity, joy and originality. I enjoy challenge, I am full of energy, and I am an incarnation of Life in the fullest sense. I love to try new things. When I fail, I get back up quickly. I know how to clear myself of the past and go 'new' into the present. Aries Villain: Afraid to face the effects of my actions, I escape from relationship and am responsible only to my own personal gratification. I enjoy conflict and battle and cause difficulty whenever I am not allowed to lead the way. Getting Started June 17, 2004 7:50AM (from the previous night) An important focus of this work is to help someone who wants to use it get started. The metaphor that comes to mind is a sprinter, bolting out of the blocks. This evokes Aries, the first sign. To continue the immediate progression, Taurus would be the muscular activity that kicks in after the start, Gemini the breathing and coordination of movement to generate speed and Cancer the digestive activity to keep blood sugar levels high and allow sustained effort. The key is that Astrology applies an ordered pattern of experience to whatever you choose. It gives insight into how things are progressing that is independent of what is happening. So what motivates you to start playing, to start learning? I think about asking my brother what he would like to do with Astrology. He knows it has some value, but doesn't use it regularly. In my head he makes a joke about Astrology helping him to become rich and famous. I respond, 'well if you were rich and famous, what would you do with your time?' He would say something about hiring people to take on some of his more menial tasks, working less, more leisure, having some more things he wants. I say, 'if you were rich and especially famous, you would probably have less free time and get hassled more. You might be able to pay people to do some things you don't want to, but you would probably also find yourself paying people to do some things you do want, but don't have time for, like spending time with your kids.' He says (in my imaginary conversation), 'OK, I'm pretty happy with my life the way it is, what's you point.' I respond, 'I could tell you how Astrology helps me and you decide if that would help you.' He agrees.
1. 'It helps me get perspective on the peaks and valleys of my life, helping
to keep me more stable see the bigger picture when I am discouraged.' We both laugh and I say, 'OK, for now you don't need it. Let me know if you do.'9 My point here is that Astrology is not needed or applicable for everyone. My brother is content because he leads a good life, makes good choices every day. If you already have the foundations of meaning and purpose covered, Astrology could be the equivalent for you of an interesting history or psychology book. At the other extreme, if your life is broken down in the middle of the road, if you are really struggling, you may want to jump right to asking for intervention from a practicing counselor. A good Astrological counselor has more tools to work with and, in general, has the potential to get results more quickly and efficiently than a traditional psychiatrist or psychologist, however, if you are having difficulty, the most important thing for you is to find someone who will support you, who you can trust, and who you can afford to pay10. Although I love to help people myself, I have come to understand there is a certain mystery that brings people together to make a difference in each other's lives that is not explainable through debate or discussion. My counsel on this is to listen to your intuition about what to do next. If you are not hearing it, do what is necessary to find solitude or silence until you can. If that doesn't work, talk to your friends, get their opinions and then see how you feel about what they say. For me, one of the most important accomplishments of my life has been to learn to be guided from within, to have a certain degree of inner balance that allows me to trust my ability (always a work in progress) to make good choices. So as I'm explaining what Astrology is, I am also going to keep a list of what it's not: not for everyone, not the answer to all problems, not something that will help you without your participation, not a replacement for psychology. It is creative, thought provoking, insightful and for the right individuals, a true Godsend. I associate the desire for perspective with Air signs, like a bird that needs a long viewpoint because they are going to be traversing a large area. I want to make it clear, if it is not already, that my version of Astrology is indeed a reflection of my Astrological makeup11. What makes this and Astrology in general more than an extended self narrative (one could argue all communication is self-narrative) is that I am consciously seeking to evolve the way I express each of the archetypes that are part of my experience. Extending this process of evolution outward is perhaps one of my most essential goals in communicating about Astrology. Rather than defining us or further categorizing us in some new way, my version of Astrology can help us to be more creative in navigating our life challenges, wiser in responding to the obstacles of awakening consciousness, more patient in interacting with our conflicts with our fellow humans. Back to sports metaphors. As I was going through the first steps of the sprinter in my imagination (laying awake in bed, a little too effective in invoking my adrenaline), I switch to basketball (still recovering from the Detroit Pistons' dramatic victory over the LA Lakers in the NBA finals). Basketball adds more dimension because of the team element (if you don't like sports, skip this section, there will be other metaphors for you later): Basketball through the Zodiac:
The key is to understand that a holistic system can be applied to anything meaningful, and at whatever level is most productive. Like the planetary cycles, these cycles of experience operate at multiple levels of speed and detail. The above is an application of the zodiac progression to basketball as a whole. Consider that each player, even after they have won a championship and become famous, still has to get up each day and go through their own version of the whole progression to get up the energy to play and compete. As another example, we might want to reflect the fact that the players need to rest in between games and for part of the season, thus it would be worth mapping a cycle where the 'non-basketball' aspects of their life cover the last half of the zodiac (meeting their public, dealing with what it means to be a player), while the first half of the zodiac reflects their basketball infused personality as the way they deal with the world. In whatever area s/he studies, an Astrologer's accuracy of analysis will be as much determined by how much they know about their subject as what they know about Astrology. Mars is the planet that rules Aries12. While most people associate Mars with confrontation and conflict, that is only one side of the story. Those who are hooked into Mars must have a way to express their assertiveness and enthusiasm or else they will become frustrated. In general, conflict is the result of people being frustrated in their efforts to do something or be something, lashing out from a feeling of helplessness. In my experience, when Mars influenced individuals feel strong, they become less reactive and more compassionate.
The Living Light In the beginning is my awareness, my consciousness. While the world may be big and bustling, it is my attention and interest in one thing or another that creates the present moment, the NOW in my world. It has been said that the biblical phrase 'let there be light!' refers not to the rays of the Sun, but to the light of consciousness awakening in the human soul. The Edgar Cayce readings emphasize this point: This is the law, that was begun when it was first indicated, 'God said, Let there be light, and there was light.' This was not as an activity from the sun, or light as shed from any radial influence, but it was the ability of consciousness coming into growth from the First Cause. Healing for the physical body, then, must be first the correct choice of the spiritual import held as the ideal of the individual. For it is returning, of course, to the First Cause, First Principles. For, there was given to individual souls or entities - as to this entity - the ability to choose, or that light (which is the ability to choose for self) - the WILL; to know self to be one with the whole or the Creative Force, and yet choosing the direction or the spirit, or the purpose, the hope, with which it shall be directed.13 While physical light enables my visual sense, this internal light of awareness sheds light on the meaning, the essence of all that I perceive. It is this light, brighter than any planet or star, that illuminates and reveals the meaning of the Cosmos to each of us as we are ready for it. There are two times of day that, for me, most vividly invoke or symbolize the light of awareness. One is at dawn, in a place where there is no artificial light. It is amazing the way that the world literally appears little by little, first in hazy outline, then in separate form, then in brilliant detail. This experience always reminds me of the miracle of sight and of my ability to perceive the physical world. The second is the middle of the night, some hours after sunset, looking up at a clear night sky. This experience reminds me of the power of the light of my awareness in another way: the tiny ness of the millions of stars reminds me of how far I can see, of the magnitude of the distance both light and my consciousness can travel, even to the ends of the Universe. Before anyone tells you about Astrology, History, Science, or any other system of knowledge, get in touch with your version of these kinds of experiences, the ones that remind you of your sense of wonder and awe at the very fact of your existence. Remember that it is your consciousness that gives meaning to whatever you focus your attention on, the objects that you bless with your presence in the present. No knowledge is even close to as powerful as the light of your soul resonating with the essences of the objects and people that make up the world as you encounter it. The value of knowledge is that it gives us a sheltered space to practice and focus the light of awareness. In particular, it gives us the experience of recognizing how much the quality of our awareness effects what we see. When we identify ourselves with isolated physical objects (particularly through fear and desire), our light becomes fragmented and obscured, as if we had been pulled into a giant impenetrable maze (Earth life can take on this quality at times). While these experiences can be difficult and even horrifying, they are here to remind us of one of the most amazing and awesome foundations of the light of our awareness: that in the instant we remember it, we have the power to recreate reality in the present, to travel the length of the Universe, to become whatever we choose. Just as the health of the body effects ones ability to complete a task, the health of our mind and soul effects our ability to exercise and apply the light of awareness. As we live according to our ideals, our lives become infused with meaning and the light of our soul grows in strength and brightness. Conversely, as we become confused as to what we believe or fail to apply what we know to be true, this light is gradually obscured. For me, the most essential practices for soul development are meditation and prayer14. This is how I learned to take my 'first steps' on the inward path, to 'strengthen the signal' of my inner voice so I could hear it above the noise of the world's distractions. Yet it was Astrology that called me to this work in the first place, 'piercing the veil' of materialism by showing me their was some kind of deeper order of things. That began a spiral of continual discovery and rediscovery that has characterized my process of 'living Astrology' since then. Each cycle alternates between symbolizing (interacting with the archetypes) and experiencing (interacting with the world). One of the main purposes of this book is to catalyze your discovery of your own 'sacred space' in which you can develop your process of symbolizing and re-visioning. As a metaphorical compass and map, symbolizing will not substitute for undertaking a journey to the territory. Further, at times it can be better to find one's way with nothing but one's senses and intuition and to get lost if necessary. Yet there comes a time when fighting through the underbrush no longer serves. Astrology can help the sincere seeker to navigate the territory that the soul must traverse.
“Thy Will Be Done” "Let me be a force for good and a channel of blessing to the world." (My Statement of Intention) Each of us must go through the journey of discovering and refining our ideals. An essential step in my journey was choosing to affirm my intention to act in harmony with the constructive aspects of the Universe15. Because I did not start out as religious in the traditional sense and was frequently uncomfortable with authority, it was a challenge for me to find a way to acknowledge my recognition of higher law without feeling that this recognition made me any less of an individual. I came to recognize that my way of thinking about the world, my intentions, and my purposes are my most important choices as a human being, as much as any particular action I might take. Affirming intention, as in the statements above, prepares me for the critical moments where choice changes the direction of things. And in our action-oriented culture, many people do not realize that the most important choice is where we choose to put our attention in each moment: which thoughts and vibrations we choose to embrace. I've come to see this as one of my most essential responsibilities: staying connected with with my intention and purpose in order to be 'ready to respond' to whatever comes my way. |
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